Tiger Mountain Archers Junior Olympic Archery Development Club (JOAD)
Please Download the JOAD handbook!
Also more information about the JOAD Program can be found here
The Issaquah Sportsmen's Club is a proud sponsor of the Tiger Mountain Archers youth archery program. We are a Junior Olympic Archery Program or better known as (JOAD). This program is open to all youth 7 years of age or older. Our goal is to provide a positive fun experience for young archers to enjoy the sport.
Wait List
I'm sorry to say that we now have a rather extensive waiting list. Please use the registration link in the menu to be added to the waiting list. We are looking at alternative ways to include more people in the program.
I encourage you to join the waiting list because I will alert you to other opportunities as they become available.
Please click here to fill out the wait list form.
(A google account is required; this will enable you to change your registration).
Note from Pat
I am the head Coach My name is Pat Moore. I am a National Archery Association certified Community Coach, often refereed to as. (Level 3). I am assisted by several Level 2 coaches and many more level one coaches. I highly encourage each of the parents to obtain at least a level one coaching certificate. Once the certificate is obtain I request that you actively participate in the instruction and safety monitoring of the youth archers.
We are not a daycare service. Should your child choose to participate you are expected to remain on the premises to help supervise your child's behavior and safeguard all the participants. I will be encouraging adults to also participate in all aspects of the sport: setting up, tearing down and yes shooting too.
Time Frame:
Our Archery year is from the First week of March to the first Wed of August.
Where we meet:
We will shoot at the Issaquah Sportsmen’s Club. They have a covered roof and lights so we can shoot in the evenings. For directions please click the directions link to the left. Address 23600 S.E. Evans St, WA 98027, although this is a new address and does not show up correctly on many GPS units. In general the range is directly behind the Issaquah High school about 1/4 of a mile outside the downtown section of Issaquah.
Even with the roof and lights this is still an outdoor venue so dress appropriately. Youth should wear warm tight fitting jackets when possible. The club has a warming area if you get cold. In the summer time, Sunscreen and Bug Spray are a good idea.
Restrooms with indoor pluming too! We also have permission to use the club house as a meeting room for those nights when we have projects or demonstrations to do.
Nights that we meet:
We meet once a week with 2 separate classes either Tuesdays or Wednesday night. In the case of inclement weather If the Issaquah School District is closed for the day because of inclement weather we too will also be closed. (unless an email is sent stating otherwise)
Setup starts at 6:00pm and shooting starts between 6:30 and 6:45. we typically shoot for an hour but often stay as long as we have archers who are willing to shoot. If participation gets to high then we will split the shooting up into 2 sessions a 6:30 to 7:45 and an 8:00 to 9:15 sessions. If you can please show up at 6:00pm to help with the setup that would be great.
This has become an ISC members only activity and only those who have been invited by coach Pat. So the only cost associated with the program is the cost of a family membership. This also will give you access to the Practice range during those times when the club is not meeting. It also will allow you to use the rifle range and all other ISC benefits.
You will not need equipment for the first year. (although bring it if you have it I encourage you to use your own.) I will however encourage you to purchase your own equipment should you decide to enroll for a second year. I have some Mathews Genesis bows and several recurve bows of varying sizes and draw weights, complete with arrows that you can use initially. I do expect each member to eventually purchase their own equipment. I will be happy to discuss those options with you and help in any way I can to get you setup with a system that works best for you. As a jump start you will find a hardware purchasing guide in the links to the left. Looking forward to seeing you all again and here’s wishing you straight shooting! Please be advised if you choose to use club equipment you will be required to share it with other shooters.
We are a fun driven program with success measured by the frequency and width of the smile. I will be instructing the archers on all aspects of archery. I teach students how to: fletch an arrow, make a bow string, tune their bow, know and understand the tools and increase their general knowledge about all equipment and setup. Although we include the general archery knowledge, primarily we cover the details of proper form and technique as taught by our national Olympic coach. I do NOT have a bias on the type of equipment a student uses. I encourage everyone to shoot the style of equipment that makes them happy. I shoot compound bows and recurve bows, with sights and instinctively. I have been shooting archery equipment for 40 years and teaching archery for nearly 10 years. I am a bowhunter and as such I am obviously pro-hunting, but hunting is not part of the curriculum. I emphasize having fun and for those interested in learning I work with them in detail. Because my time is precious, those students who routinely ignore my suggestions will get a minimum amount of my time. I still encourage everyone's participation but I recognize some have loftier goals than others. If you are interested in a ultra competitive high pressure results driven program you will be disappointed. I have an extremely high coaching competency level and can prepare a student for the highest levels of competition but I do not require students to compete or prepare specifically for completion. So if you think you would love archery and want to give it a try by all means shoot me an email to confirm availability and we'll get you signed up.
Looking forward to seeing all the old and new faces.
If you have additional questions feel free to email